Links last verified on 22 08 01
Aviation History, General
Gliding, Models
'Slow' and 'Park' Flyers
All sites listed below were active on September 12, 2000. Please report any broken links - suggestions for additional links are also most welcome.
Aviation History, GeneralMenu
Aero Design Team Online: Wright Flyer: Wright Brothers
Aeronautics - The Beginning
Aeronautics, Principles of
Notable Site
Association "Mémoire de l'Air"
Aviation Firsts [Chronology of American aviation firsts]
Aviation History
Cayley, Sir George
Daedalus: The Long Odyssey from Myth to Reality
Digital Library of Flight
Notable Site
First Flight - UK
First Flight - Library of Congress
Flapping Flight
Flights of Inspiration
Histoire de l'Aviation, L'
Langley's Aerodrome - by David Dodge
Octave Chanute Pages, The
Notable Site
Précurseurs, Les
Royal Aeronautical Society, The
"The [Royal Aeronautical] Society was founded as the Aeronautical Society of Great Britain in 1866 with 65 members by the Duke of Argyll. It became the Royal Aeronautical Society in 1918. Australia was first mentioned in 1892 when Lawrence Hargrave was experimenting with cellular kites. He was made a life member in 1897 and gave his paper on box kites in 1899. In 1919 the Institution of Aeronautical Engineers emerged."
Tale of the Airplane
To Fly is Everything
Notable Site
Yahoo: Science/Aviation-and-Aeronautics/History/
Aviation History, Lawrence HargraveMenu
Australian Kite Association
Notable Site
Hargrave's Boxkite
Lawrence Hargrave: Australian Kiting Pioneer
Balloons and BallooningMenu
Rockets and RocketryMenu
Cruise Missiles: a Brief History
A History of Rocketry Part I: Ancient Times up to World War II
A History of Rocketry [Part II]: (Post-WWII)
Strategic and Tactical Missiles For a detailed essay on the history of rocketry and missiles please visit the dedicated page elsewhere on this site
Kites and KitingMenu
American Kite Fliers Association, The
American Kite (Magazine)
Australian Kite Association
Notable Site
Australian Kite Flyers Society, The
Cerf-volant Kite Les bons plans Mizt'Ailes
Christophe Gronier : Kite Plans
History of Kites, The
History of Kites and Kite Flying
Kite Collection, Japanese
Kites - The KAP Site
Notable Site
Kel's Microkite
Kites in the Classroom
Peter's Kite Site
Pioneer kites
Power Kite Site, The - Links
TMR`s Kite Site of Life
Gliding, ModelsMenu
League of Silent Flight of Australia
ICARE Sailplanes - Scale glider, Electric
Model Aeronautical Association of Australia (MAAA)
R/C Soaring
Gliding and Ultralight AircraftMenu
"...after the First World War, the Germans were not allowed to build planes, [...] only gliders. So their technological advance in the building of gliders began and they are still ahead today. This was the second birth of gliding thanks to German people. In 1936, during one of the darkest period in world history, gliding reached its highest level: gliding was an event in the Berlin Olympic Games. So, after the war, gliding was considered a nazi sport and was suppressed from the events of Olympic Games. One more time, a war had wounded gliding." Australian Homebuilt Sailplane Association http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Hangar/3510/index.html
Australian Soaring
Australian Ultralight Federation
Colditz Glider, The
associated sitesGliding Federation of Australia, The http://www.gfa.org.au/
Introduction to AirplaneDesign: Featured Glider Designs, Tips, and Ideas
SAGHT Gliding Movement: History
'Slow' and 'Park' FlyersMenu
"Slowflyers fly slow. They have very large wing areas and are extremely light weight which allows for wingloadings in the one to three ounce per square foot range. Most of these models have a minimal amount of structure. [...] The basic design for slowflyers is a single surfaced highly undercambered wing with a carbon tube fuselage and balsa or carbon tail surfaces. These models are best suited for indoor flying or in early morning / late evening dead calm air conditions" Indoor Competition Classes (of aircraft) http://w1.871.telia.com/~u87106779/classes.html
Dragonfly, The
Dreaming Aeroplanes
E Zone
Notable Site
Folding Flyer: The Low Cost Radio Controlled Airplane!
Free-Flight Model Airplanes
Frontroom Flyables
Future is Electric, The
High Voltage: The World of R/C Flight
Hobby Club - kit and equipment supplies
Kai´s Modellflugseite
'Indoor' (flight) English - French - German 'model aviation' dictionaryKolibri
http://www.ezonemag.com/articles/1998/jul/wiw/wiw0798.htm "Kolibri is the German name for the smallest bird "humming bird" on earth. All of our Slow Flyers have a birds/bug/insect name and since the Kolibri is mainly built from Carbon which is "Kohle" in German the name sounds funny, at least to a German because it is light weight, small, dynamic and made from Kohle" Little Bee - the ARF Slow-Flyer kit http://www.idnet.de/homepage/scholl/Englisch/Little_Bee.htm
Matt's Micro Planes
Penaud's Planaphore - a full size replica
SAMS Aeromodeller's Handbook
Slow and Park Flyers from 'Hobby Lobby'
Specialist SlowFly equipment - WES Technics
Stubenfliege - (lit. 'House Fly', act. 'flyer for indoor use')
More: Wayne Hadkins Indoor World - July 1998Support System For Improved Kolibri Wing Covering, A http://www.tigr.org/~owhite/support.html
Todd's Models
Tweety Bird - Flying Wing
Twin Pushers
Dannysoar -Home
Paper AirplanesMenu
Alex Schultz
http://www.geocities.com/bgaschultz/mainplan.htmlFAA Resource Library (Home) http://www.faa.gov/education/resource/airplane.htm
McEagle Styrofoam Glider
mcshane's planes
Paper airplane - The best paper airplane in the world !
Paper Airplane Aerodynamics
Paper Airplanes
Paper Airplane Science
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