Aerofoil (Airfoil) Analysis and Plotting
Blended Wing Body Airliner: Air Vehicle Design, Cranfield University
Development of the All-Wing Aircraft
Evolution of the Aerofoil (Airfoil)
Flying Wings
Flying wings: an idea whose time has come 7/30/97
Flying Wing Bibliography
Integrated Aerodynamics and Control System Design for Tailless Aircraft
NACA Report 796 An interim report on the stability and control of tailless airplanes
Photo Gallery
Tailless Aircraft
Tailless fighter flight tests complete
Toward the theory of Flying Wings
Defining the Jet
Going Supersonic: 1945-1958
Jet and Rocket Planes
German Aviation Reports Postage is $1.00 for the first paper ordered (any one), with $.50 for each additional paper. For non-US, non-Canada orders, double the total postage.
Scott Lowther "The Horten Tailless Aircraft," Combined Intelligence Objectives Sub-committee (CIOS), May, 1945. 57 pages, with layout drawings of the Horten Ho I - VI, Parabola, VIII and tow aircraft, as well as several detail drawings of structures and components, a history of the Horten activities, aircraft descriptions, personnel lists, an index of captured Horten documents, a translation of Hanna Reitsch's report on Ho II's flying qualities, and several somewhat poorly reproduced photos. Price: $16.00 "The Horten Tailless Aircraft," Royal Aircraft Establishment (RAE), October, 1945. 75 pages, a more technical document covering aircraft descriptions, "How the Hortens design their aircraft," including calculations, "Comments on some aerodynamic aspects of the Horten designs," and many drawings, including layout drawings of the Ho I-VI, the rarely seen Ho VIII transport, Ho IX, the Parabola, and "approximate only" Ho X research a/c; also many detailed drawings of components and structures, especially the Ho IVb, and several poorly reproduced photos. Price: $16.00
SHAEF: Combined Intelligence Objectives Sub-Committee: Horten Tailless Aircraft. [A report compiled from captured documents and from an informant]. ; London: H.M. Stationery Office [for SHAEF], [1945]., Large 8vo (10" x 7.5"). 30 pp of printed typewriter-face text including figures, plans and photographs of tailless aircraft ("flying wings") under development by the Horten brothers, Major Walter Horten and Oberleutenant Riemar Horten of the Luftwaffe, aircraft designers. Following the Normandy landings in 1944, combined American and British intelligence units working under SHAEF (Supreme Headquarters Allied European Forces) produced an on-going and wide-ranging series of detailed surveys and reports on captured German industry and armament production as allied troops advanced across Europe. Printed in small numbers for a restricted circulation, these military intelligence reports, containing a wealth of material unpublished elsewhere.
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