Dear Gwynne, Helen and John, Michael, Damien, Miranda and all...

this is a PREVIEW page for images and text that will soon be transferred to specific Duigan pages within the broader site.

Please note:

  1. The images ARE NOT IN ANY PARTICULAR ORDER on THIS page but they will of course eventually fit perfectly into their own page later on

  2. Some details may not complete on this page but all attempts will be made to clarify details before they are moved.

  3. I would prefer if this page were only made known to the 'inner circle' otherwise people might come here and think right - that's all there is - where's the story etc.? - ie not knowing the reason the page exists.

  4. Web robots and Spiders cannot find this page so it won't appear on any search engines.

Ta, Russ

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There are no current images to preview. All images previousy displayed on this page have now been placed into their own specific pages.


March 30, 2001


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Last updated November 17, 2001