Project Updates
Digital Docklands Meeting Reminder - 3/5/99
Thanks to everyone who has replied to our invitation to attend the
next meeting of the Digital Docklands group at AFTRS on Tuesday 11th of
May, 6:30 to 9:30. We will not be sending out individual confirmations, so please consider yourself welcome!
This meeting is shaping up be one of the most significant of the
series to date.
On the agenda for the evening are:
- A report from the Australian delegation to the CILECT Interactive
Distance Learning conference at UCLA.
- AFTRS Director Rod Bishop will be in Melbourne to lead the
discussion, with Prof Greg Egan from Monash CTIE providing an overview of on of the most significant discussions of the conference.
- AFTRS, Monash and UCLA are about to enter into an agreement for an
extensive research project in the area of international production of
content using broadband network - CyberPort Phase 2.
- Bruce Tonkin, Research Director at Melbourne IT, will brief the
group on the significance of the "National Information Infrastructure
Testbed" project, an Australian Initiative along the lines of the NEXT
The second part of the evening will feature representatives of
solution providers presenting their vision for the development of broadband infrastructure in the Digital Docklands precinct.
- Trevor Harris, Network Engineering Manager from AAPT Networks and
Justin Dethridge from Connect.com.au will discuss the deployment of a Local Multipoint Distribution Service for the Melbourne precinct. This
system promises broadband access via a radio frequency wireless medium.
- John Gilles, who is preparing a proposal for the precinct, to be
known as Genesis Network, will present his proposal via video from Brisbane.
- Davnet/Magnadata, represented by Guy Glover, will provide a
briefing on their recent installations in the area and the potential to extend connectivity to others in the area.
- Optus will present their vision for the precinct.
- Work on the development of network-based datawarehousing and
project management services for the media industries carried out by AFTRS and Ericsson Australia will be outlined for the first time in Australia. This is not an infrastucture project, rather in focuses on providing ERP services for media producers.
- Multimedia Victoria has been invited to discuss their role as a
potential facilitator of the Digital Docklands project.

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Last updated April 16th, 1999